Faculty of Science > Mathematics

_Department of Mathematics came into existence in the year 1960, when S.G.R.R. (P.G.) College was established. The Department was headed by Professor D.S. Rawat (Former Vice Chancellor, H.N.B. Garhwal University, Srinagar, Garhwal). Post Graduate classes in Mathematics were started in 1965.

_At present there are three faculty members in the Department: Dr. S. K. Padaliya (Head), Dr. A. P. Singh and Dr. Vivek Kumar. There were total 60 seats in M.A./M.Sc. Courses in Mathematics. The department is well equipped to impart teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Ten text books at UG and PG level have been written by faculty members of the Department. Till now department has completed one minor research project.

_The students and faculty members have been provided broadband internet connectivity to access the online journals and to interact with the academic community. Under the dynamic leadership of the former heads, the Department has made remarkable progress both in teaching and research and has earned a National recognition in the diversified field of Mathematics. The rich tradition of excellence is being maintained by the Department till date. In view of the number of students, the Department of Mathematics is the second biggest Department of the college. Right from its inception many former students of the Department qualified for different State and National level services and now presently working in senior positions in India and abroad. Besides the Under-Graduate and Post-Graduate courses, the Department also offers the Ph.D. program in Mathematics. The thrust area of the research includes Fixed Point Theory and its Applications, Operations Research and Fluid Mechanics. About forty five research papers, written by faculty members and research scholars of the Department, have been published in International Journals of repute. Most of the Journals are recognized by U.G.C. Care List. Sixteen research scholars have been awarded Ph.D. Degree and two research scholars are pursuing research work for their Ph.D. Degree under the supervision of faculty members. It is now a well known Department for its outstanding research activities. The Department has been identified as Star Department by U.G.C.  Faculty members and research scholars of the Department keep themselves engaged in different kind of research activities like participation in National as well as International Conferences and present their research papers. Faculty members also carry out significant honorary work like review work for peer reviewed journals of repute, editorial and publications of research journals. To create interest in Mathematics, the Department of Mathematics organizes popular talks/seminars/workshops/conference almost every year.

_Eminent Mathematicians like Prof. U.P. Singh, Ex V.C. Purvanchal University, Jaunpur, Prof P. Pokhriyal from Narobi University, Keniya, Prof. S.L. Singh from deemed Univer Gurukul Kangari, Haridwar, Prof. O.P. Singh from A.M.U., Prof. Shri Ram from  B.H.U., Prof. TN. Pandey, from D.D.U. University, Gorakhpur, Prof. A. K. Singh, Prof. D.S. Negi, and Prof. R.C. Dimri from HNB Garhwal University, Prof. S. R. Singh, C.C.S. University have visited the department and interacted with research scholars and P.G. students of the Department.

_Some of the memorable events organized by the Department are:

_1.             A National Conference entitled "Recent trends in the advancement at Astronomy and Applied Mathematics", on the auspicious occasion of Gold Jubilee Year of S.G.R.R. (P.G.) College Dehradun from Nov.14 to Nov.15 2009. The conference was funded by U.G.C.

_2.             A two days workshop entitled "Introduction to Astronomy and Galilio", in the college from Nov.14 to Nov.15, 2009. The workshop was organized to celebrate International Astronomy Year-2009. It was funded by U.G.C., D.S.T and UCOST.

_3.              A three days National conference on "History of Mathematical Sciences" in collaboration with Indian Society of History of Mathematics from Oct. 5 to Oct. 7, 2017. The conference aims to create interest in Mathematical Sciences, promote study, teaching and education in history of Mathematical Sciences. It also aims to promote interdisciplinary research for the advancement of society.

_4.              A five days International Webinar on Mathematics organized by the Department of Mathematics, Shri Guru Ram Rai (PG) College, Pathri Bagh, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India held from September 14, 2020 to September 18, 2020.


Positions in University

S. No.




Positions  in University


Sandeep Kumar





Roshini Agarwal





Deepa Bansal





Priyanka Bansal





Praveen Kumar Rawat





Lallu Kumar





Tushita Mishra




8 .

Kiran Sharma





Kranti Bhushan





Khushbu Sharma





Bharat Lal Tiwari





Monika Jugran





Sakshi Chauhan





Rohit Chandra Ramola





Ph.D. Scholars Detail

S. No.

Name of Supervisor/

Co- Supervisor

Name of Scholar

Registration No.

Year of Enrolment

Year of  Awarded/Viva-Voce conducted on


Dr. D. Singh/Dr. S.K.  Padaliya

Devendra Singh



17-11-2013 (HNBGU)


Dr. D. Singh

Pankaj Kaushal



08-05-2013 (HNBGU)


Dr. D. Singh

Vikram jeet Singh



30-09-2013 (HNBGU)


Dr. D. Singh/ Dr. A.P. Singh

Sarv Preet Kaur



23-08-2013 (HNBGU)


Dr. D. Singh

Tushita Mishra

HNBGU/SM - 12054


16-12-2015 (HNBGU)


Dr. A.P. Singh

Rakesh Singh



20-07-2013 (HNBGU)


Dr. D. Singh

/ Dr. A.P. Singh.

Ruby Bhardwaj



20-12-2014 (HNBGU)


Dr. D.Singh/ Dr. A.P. Singh

Pratap Singh



21-06-2014 (HNBGU)


Dr. A.P. Singh

Ajay Kumar Saini




Singhania University


Dr. D. Singh/Dr. S.K.  Padaliya

Achin Jain



2012 (HNBGU)


Dr. S.K.  Padaliya

Deepak Anand Vishnoi

HNBGU/ SM - 12054


2015 (HNBGU)


Dr. S.K.  Padaliya

Dharmendra Kumar



2015 (HNBGU)


Dr. S.K.  Padaliya

Km. Meena Joshi





Dr. A.P. Singh

Kirshan Pal,



2011 Singhania University


Dr. A.P. Singh

Rahul Goel,



2017 GEU


Dr. A.P. Singh

Anu Sayal,



2020 Tech University


Dr. A.P. Singh


18039 (Letter No. Acad/Res/2019-20/873)


Ongoing, Gurukul Kangari Uni


Dr. D. Singh

Surbhi Aneja

HNBGU/ SM - 15227


2015 (HNBGU)


Dr. A.P. Singh




Ongoing (HNBGU)




Name Of Supervisor/ Co- Sup.

Name of Scholar

Regisration No.

Year of Enrolment

Year Of Ph. D. Award? Viva-voce conducted on



Prof. S. K. Padaliya

Saurabh Sharma (NET - JRF)






Prof. S. K. Padaliya (Co Supervisor)

Vijay Kumar (NET - JRF) Delhi Uni.






Prof. A. P. Singh

Abhishek Kumar (NET - JRF)






Prof. A. P. Singh (Co Supervisor)

Prajwal Panwar (NET - JRF)






Prof. A. P. Singh (Co Supervisor)

Divya Chauhan (NET - JRF)






Prof. A. P. Singh (Co Supervisor)

Naryan Sharma (NET - JRF)






Dr. Vivek Kumar

Shushma Patil (NET - JRF)






Dr. Vivek Kumar (Co Supervisor)

Pooja (GEU)






Prof. S. K. Padaliya

Gaurav Semwal (NET )






Dr. Vivek Kumar







Dr. Vivek Kumar

Sandeep Kumar (NET - JRF)






Prof. A. P. Singh

Vidhi Saini






Prof. A. P. Singh

Jaswant Singh Negi (NET - JRF)





1UG (Mathematics)View
2PG (Mathematics)View
1Course OutcomesView
2Programme OutcomesView
1Syllabus B.Sc, B.A & M.Sc, M.A (Mathematics) (w.e.f 2018-19)View
B.Sc Sem-III Integral CalculusSanjay Kumar Padaliya02:00 To 03:00
B.Sc Sem-IDifferential calculusAnubhav Pratap Singh12.00 To 01:00
B.Sc Sem-IDifferential calculusVivek Kumar10:00 To 11:00
B.Sc Sem-VLinear AlgebraSanjay Kumar Padaliya12.00 To 01:00
B.Sc Sem-IIIReal AnalysisVivek Kumar11:00 To 12:00
B.Sc Sem-IIIReal AnalysisAnubhav Pratap Singh11:00 To 12:00
M.Sc Sem-IIIPaper- XVII Calculus of VariationsAnubhav Pratap Singh10:00 To 11:00
M.Sc Sem-IPaper-I Discrete StructuresVivek Kumar12:00 To 1:00
M.Sc Sem-IPaper-II Abstract Algebra-IAnubhav Pratap Singh09:00 To 10:00
M.Sc Sem-IPaper-III MechanicsSanjay Kumar Padaliya10:00 To 11:00
M.Sc Sem-IPaper-IV Complex AnalysisVivek Kumar12.00 To 1.00
M.Sc Sem-IPaper-V Operation Research-IAnubhav Pratap Singh09:00 To 10:00
M.Sc Sem-IIIPaper-XIII TopologySanjay Kumar Padaliya11:00 To 12:00
M.Sc Sem-IIIPaper-XIV Differential EquationsVivek Kumar12:00 To 01:00
M.Sc Sem-IIIPaper-XV Differential GeometrySanjay Kumar Padaliya11:00 To 12:00
M.Sc Sem-IIIPaper-XVI Mathematical StatisticsAnubhav Pratap Singh10:00 To 11:00

Dr. Sanjay Kumar Padaliya

Professor & HOD
Read More

Prof.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh

Read More

Dr. Vivek Kumar

Assistant Professor
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Ph.D Research Scholar

S.No.Student NameSubjectUnderYear
13RenuMathematicsProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh2018
12Anu SayalMathematicsProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh2015
11Rahul GoelMathematicsProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh2014
4Dharmendra KumarMathematicsDr. Sanjay Kumar Padaliya2012
7Ruby BhardwajMathematicsProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh2011
9Ajay Kumar SainiMathematicsProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh2011
5SarvPreet KaurMathematicsProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh2010
2Achin JainMathematicsDr. Sanjay Kumar Padaliya2009
3Deepak Anand VishnoiMathematicsDr. Sanjay Kumar Padaliya2009
10Kirshan PalMathematicsProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh2009
8Pratap SinghMathematicsProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh2009
6Rakesh SinghMathematicsProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh2008
1Devendra SinghMathematicsDr. Sanjay Kumar Padaliya2008
S.No.Student NameSubjectUnderYear
4Narayan SharmaMathematicsProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh2023
5PrajwalMathematicsProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh2023
6AbhishekMathematicsProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh2023
3Divya ChauhanMathematicsProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh2022
2SadhevMathematics Prof.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh2021
1Meena JoshiMathematicsDr. Sanjay Kumar Padaliya2018
 YearTypeFunding AgencyByAmount
12010UGC Minor ProjectUGC, New DelhiDr. Sanjay Kumar Padaliya90000.00
 TypePaper/Book TitleName of Journal/Book Year  By
96JournalSmart manufacturing system with rework and partial outsourcing for battery industryCleaner Engineering and Technology5.32025Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
97JournalModelling and Optimisation of Sustainable Production Model with Screening and Carbon Awareness for Manufacturing Industryinternational journal of applied management.32025Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
100Book ChapterFuzzy Economic Order Quantity Models with Carbon Emission Considerations and Planned DiscountsRecent Trends In Engineering and Science for Resource Optimization and Sustainable Development--2025Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
93JournalFRACTALS AS JULIA AND MANDELBROT SETS OF LOGARITHMIC FUNCTION USING DOGAN AND KARAKAYA (DK) ITERATIVE SCHEMEAnnals of Science and Allied Research Vol. 1 (2023): 129-140. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10525972  2024Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalDr. Sanjay Kumar Padaliya
94JournalOn relation-theoretic F−contractions and applications in F−metric spacesActa Univ. Sapientiae, Mathematica, 15, 2 (2023) 314–336 DOI: 10.2478/ausm-2023-0018 2024Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalDr. Sanjay Kumar Padaliya
95JournalFractals as Julia and Mandelbrot Sets via S-iterationJournal of Graphic Era University, Vol. 12 2, 207–222. doi: 10.13052/jgeu0975-1416.1222 2024Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Sanjay Kumar Padaliya
98JournalA fuzzy inventory model: stock dependent demand considering salvage value with deferred paymentsOPSEARCH1.42024Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
99JournalIndustry-driven optimization of biomass-based fuel production: balancing cost, efficiency, and sustainabilityBiofuels5.42024Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
101JournalOptimizing sustainable bio-fuel supply chain: a multi-objective model utilizing micro-algae resourcesDiscover Sustainability2.42024Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
91Book REAL ANALYSIS-I THEORY (H.N.B. GARHWAL UNIVERSITY 2023UGC Listed JournalNational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
92Book DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS (H.N.B. GARHWAL UNIVERSITY 2023UGC Listed JournalNational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
71JournalOptimized Crisp and Fuzzy Inventory System of Deteriorating Items with Partial Backlogging Under the Effect of InflationAIP Publishing Production System0.4062023Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
72JournalOptimization of Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items With Time Varying Holding Cost under uncertaintyAIP Publishing Production System0.4062023Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
73JournalOptimization of Economic Order Quantity Model with Shortages having Two Parameter Weibull Demand and Deterioration rate Under Crisp And Fuzzy SystemAIP Publishing Production System 0.4062023Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
74JournalA comprehensive study of fuzzy economic order quantity model with ramp type demand for perishable productsAIP Publishing Production System0.4062023Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
65JournalDouble-Diffusive Convection in a Hybrid Nanofluid Layer, Vo11, 307-315Journal of Nanofluids 2022Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalDr. Vivek Kumar
66JournalSoret Driven Instability in an Anisotropic Porous Layer Saturated by a Darcy-Maxwell Nanofluid, Vol. 11, 792-802Journal of Nanofluids 2022Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalDr. Vivek Kumar
67Book ChapterInstability of a Viscoelastic Cylindrical Jet: The VCVPF TheoryMathematical Modeling for Intelligent Systems 2022Any OtherInternationalDr. Vivek Kumar
68JournalAn economic ordering policy to control deteriorating medicinal products of uncertain demand with trade credit for healthcare industries.International Journal of Health Sciences2.962022Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
75JournalEffect of uncertainty in demand and production for manufacturing industries during COVID-19International Journal of Services and Operations Management 0.7782022Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
76JournalOptimization of an EPQ model in an imprecise environment with defuzzification by the centroid method under inflationOperations Research and Decisions 0.402022Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
77JournalOptimisation of an inventory model for conclusive and inconclusive cost parameters using triangular and trapezoidal fuzzy numbersInternational Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research0.4612022Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
78JournalAn economic ordering policy to control deteriorating medicinal products of uncertain demand with trade credit for healthcare industriesInternational Journal of Health Sciences --2022Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
55BookAn Introduction to Tensor AnalysisAn Introduction to Tensor Analysis, River Publishers Series in Mathematical and Engineering Sciences 2021Any OtherInternationalDr. Sanjay Kumar Padaliya
62JournalFixed Point to Fixed Circle and Activation Function in Partial Metric SpaceJournal of Applied Analysis, Poland https:/doi.org/10.1515/jaa-2021-2057  2021Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalDr. Sanjay Kumar Padaliya
63JournalFixed Point to Fixed Disc and Application in Partial Metric SpacesChapter in a book “Fixed Point Theory and its Applications to Real World Problem”, Nova Science Publishers , New York, USA 2021Peer ReviewedInternationalDr. Sanjay Kumar Padaliya
64JournalOn geometric properties of non-unique fixed points in b-metric spaces,Chapter in a book “Fixed Point Theory and its Applications to Real World Problem”, Nova Science Publishers , New York, USA 2021Peer ReviewedInternationalDr. Sanjay Kumar Padaliya
60JournalStudy of rotating liquid–vapor interface with mass transfer through porous media, 46, 10268–10274Materials Today: Proceedings 2021Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalDr. Vivek Kumar
79JournalA remanufacturing inventory model to control the carbon emission using cap-and-trade regulation with the hexagonal fuzzy numberBenchmarking: An International Journal 2.602021Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
80Journal A fuzzy economic order quantity model with credibility induced demand and shortages,International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics1.052021Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
81JournalOptimization of an Economic Production Quantity Model with Three Levels of Production and Demand as a Time Declining Market in Crisp and Fuzzy EnvironmentAdvances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 0.6262021Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
82JournalCrisp and fuzzy economic order quantity model with time dependent demand and permissible delay in paymentsMaterials Today Proceedings1.462021Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
69Book Chapter Optimization of an economic order quantity model with three levels of production and demand as a time declining market in crisp and fuzzy environment.Mathematical Modelling, Computational Intelligence Techniques and Renewable Energy, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computinghttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-9953-8_412021Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
70JournalA fuzzy economic order quantity model with credibility induced demand and shortages. International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics1.052021Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
61JournalOn the Problem of Discontinuity at Fixed PointFilomat https://doi.org/10.2298/FIL2011855J0.8872020Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalDr. Sanjay Kumar Padaliya
44JournalFixed Point to Fixed Ellipse in Metric Spaces and Discontinuous Activation FunctionApplied Mathematics E - Notes0.282020Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalDr. Sanjay Kumar Padaliya
37JournalOn the Problem of Discontinuity at Fixed PointFilomat,34:11 (2020), 3855–3860https://doi.org/10.2298/FIL2011855J0.8482020UGC Listed JournalInternational JournalDr. Sanjay Kumar Padaliya
1JournalThermal instability in a horizontal composite nano-liquid layer, Vol.2, 380SN Applied Sciences 2020Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalDr. Vivek Kumar
86Book Linear Algebra 2020Any OtherNational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
87Book Probability and Statistics 2020Any OtherNational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
88Book Real Analysis 2020Any OtherNational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
89Book Integral Calculus 2020Any OtherNational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
90Book Differential Calculus 2020Any OtherNational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
83JournalOptimisation of EOQ model with Weibull deterioration under crisp and fuzzy environmentInternational Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation1.1252020UGC Listed JournalInternational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
38JournalFixedPointunderSet-ValuedRelation-TheoreticNonlinearContractionsanApplicationsFilomat 33:14 (2019), 4655 – 4664, https://doi.org/10.2298/FIL 1914655T0.8482019UGC Listed JournalInternational JournalDr. Sanjay Kumar Padaliya
84JournalOptimize the Cost of a Fuzzy Inventory Model with Shortage using Signed Distance Method International Journal of Research in Advent Technology,0.4532019Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
85JournalAn optimization of FEOQ Model For Weibull Deteriorating Items with Inflationary ConditionJournal of Reliability and Statistical Studies 2019Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
39JournalSome Common Fixed Point Theorems for Contractive Maps and ApplicationsFilomat 32:10 (2018), 3751 – 3758, https://doi.org/10.2298/FIL1810751J0.7892018UGC Listed JournalInternational JournalDr. Sanjay Kumar Padaliya
2JournalOn the onset of triply diffusive convection in Maxwell fluid layer through porous medium in the presence of internal heat source, Vol. 9(4), 1591-1600Ain Shams Engineering Journal3.182018Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalDr. Vivek Kumar
35BookDifferential EquationsDifferential Equations 2018Any OtherNationalDr. Vivek Kumar
36BookMechanicsMechanics 2018Any OtherNationalDr. Vivek Kumar
3JournalOn Hydromagnetic Triply Diffusive Convection in Couple-stress Fluid Through Porous Medium, Vol. 4, No. 4,100-112International Journal of Engineering Research & Management Technology 2017Any OtherInternational JournalDr. Vivek Kumar
4JournalAnalysis of Vorticity Transport in Magnetic Couple-Stress Fluid, Vol.12, 157-162WSEAS Transactions on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics 2017Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalDr. Vivek Kumar
5JournalAnalytical Analysis of Vorticity Transport in Magnetic Walters B' Fluid, Vol.1, 21-28Mayfeb Journal of Mathematics 2017Any OtherInternational JournalDr. Vivek Kumar
6JournalOnset of Triple-Diffusive convection in a Nanofluid layer, Vol.5, No.2, 284-291Journal of Nanofluids 2016Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalDr. Vivek Kumar
58JournalA single perishable product from a single-producer and multiple-buyer’s model for Weibull deterioration with time dependent demand and allowable shortageInternational Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics,Vol. 7, No. 1, 20161.92016Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
40JournalCommon Fixed Points of Conditionally Reciprocally Continuous Selfmappings in Fuzzy Metric SpaceInternational Journal of Applied Mathematical Sciences (JAMS) Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 114 – 119(2015) 2015Peer ReviewedNational JournalDr. Sanjay Kumar Padaliya
41JournalCommon Fixed Points of Occasionally Weakly Compatible MappingsInternational Journal of Applied Mathematical Sciences (JAMS) Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 107 – 109(2015). 2015Peer ReviewedNational JournalDr. Sanjay Kumar Padaliya
42JournalCommon Fixed Points in Fuzzy Metric Spaces involving Conditionally Reciprocally Continuous SelfmappingsJournal of International Academy of Physical Sciences, Vol. 17 No. 2 (2013) ISSN: 0974-9373 2015Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Sanjay Kumar Padaliya
7JournalHydrodynamic and Hydromagnetic Triply Diffusive Convection in a Viscoelastic Fluid through Porous Medium, Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media, Vol.6, No.3, 297-311Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media 2015Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalDr. Vivek Kumar
8JournalThermosolutal convection in a viscoelastic dusty fluid with Hall currents in porous medium, Vol.2, 221-228Egyptian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 2015Any OtherInternational JournalDr. Vivek Kumar
9JournalPressure corrections for the potential flow analysis of electrohydrodynamic Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, Vol.8, No.4, 539-547Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics1.4052015Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalDr. Vivek Kumar
59JournalSupply chain model with stock dependent demand, quadratic rate of deterioration with allowable shortageInternational Journal of Operations Research,Vol. 7, No. 2, 2015.662015Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
57JournalAn EPQ model for non-instantaneous deteriorating item with time dependent holding cost and exponential demand rateInternational Journal of Operations Research,, Vol. 23, No. 2, 2015.662015Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
43JournalFixed Point Theorems for Weakly Reciprocally Continuous MappingsGlobal Journal of Mathematical Sciences: Theory and Practical, Vol. 6, no. 1 (2014), 73 -78 2014Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Sanjay Kumar Padaliya
10JournalTriply-Diffusive Magneto Convection in Viscoelastic Fluid through Porous Medium, Vol.6, No.4, 495-510International Transactions in Applied Sciences 2014Any OtherInternational JournalDr. Vivek Kumar
11JournalConvection in Compressible Couple-Stress Dusty Fluid, Vol.5, No.2, 27-37Journal of Experimental & Applied Mechanics 2014Any OtherInternational JournalDr. Vivek Kumar
46Book ChapterVarious segmentation techniques for extraction of buildings using high resolution satellite imagesOn a Sustainable Future of the Earth's Natural Resources 2013Peer ReviewedInternationalDr. Sanjay Kumar Padaliya
56Book ChapterAn introduction of calculus of variation and its applicationAn introduction of calculus of variation and its application 2013Any OtherNationalDr. Sanjay Kumar Padaliya
12JournalThermal convection in a (Kuvshiniski-Type) viscoelastic rotating fluid in the presence of magnetic field through porous medium, Vol.26, No.7, 753-760IJE TRANSACTIONS A: Basics 2013Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalDr. Vivek Kumar
13JournalThermal Convection in a Couple-Stress Fluid in the Presence of Horizontal Magnetic Field with Hall Currents, Vol.8, No.1, 161-177Applications and Applied Mathematics 2013Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalDr. Vivek Kumar
14JournalOn Thermosolutal-Convective Instability in Walters B’ Heterogeneous Viscoelastic Fluid Layer through Porous Medium, Vol.3, No.1, 1-7American Journal of Fluid Dynamics 2013Any OtherInternational JournalDr. Vivek Kumar
45JournalApproaches for Extraction of Buildings from High Resolution Satellite ImagesInternational Journal of Engineering and Science Research IJESR 26/146-152  2012Peer ReviewedInternationalDr. Sanjay Kumar Padaliya
15JournalStability of stratified Couple-stress dusty fluid in the presence of magnetic field through porous medium, Vol.6, No.2, 510-521Applications and Applied Mathematics 2011Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalDr. Vivek Kumar
16JournalThermal Convection in a Compressible Walter’s (Model B’) Elastico-viscous Dusty Fluid with Hall Current, Vol.16, No. 4, 1189-1204International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2011Any OtherInternational JournalDr. Vivek Kumar
17JournalOn a Couple-Stress fluid heated from below in hydromagnetics, Vol.5, No.10,1529-1542Applications and Applied Mathematics  2010Scopus/Web of ScienceInternational JournalDr. Vivek Kumar
18JournalThermal convection in a Walters’ (Model B’) elastico-viscous dusty fluid in hydromagnetic with the effect of compressibility and rotation, Vol.15, No.1, 51-62International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2010Any OtherInternational JournalDr. Vivek Kumar
28JournalA Production Inventory Model With Partial Backlogging Under Capacity Constraint, Vol. XXXI,NO.1pp 45-58journal of indian society statistics operations research 2010UGC Listed JournalNational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
29JournalA Supply Chain Model with Variable Holding Cost for Flexible Manufacturing System, Volume 1, No. 1, pp. 107-120International Journal of Operations Research and Optimization 2010Peer ReviewedInternational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
30JournalAn Inflationary Two-Storage Inventory Model With Stock Dependent Demand and Time-Dependent Holding Cost, Vol.05,No.1, pp. 99-111International Journal of Applied Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2010UGC Listed JournalNational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
31JournalAmeliorating Inventory Model with Weibull Deteriorating Under the Effect of Inflation and Partial Backlogging, Volume 1, No. 1, pp. 203-220International Journal of Operations Research and Optimization 2010Peer ReviewedInternational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
32JournalAn Integrated Inventory Model with Stock Dependent Demand, Weibull rate of deterioration and Partial shortages, Volume 1, No. 2, pp-307-321International Journal of Operations Research and Optimization 2010Peer ReviewedInternational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
33JournalOptimum Replenishment Policies for Time Decaying Items with Selling Price and Stock Dependent Demand Vol.02, No. 01,pp. 81-299International Journal of Computational Science and Mathematics 2010UGC Listed JournalInternational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
34JournalVolume Flexibile Inventory Model For Unsystematic Rate of Deterioration With Lost Sales,, Volume 1, No. 2, pp-323-336International Journal of Operations Research and Optimization 2010Peer ReviewedInternational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
19JournalStability of two superposed Rivlin-Ericksen visco-elastic dusty fluids in the presence of magnetic field, Vol.1, No.2, 99-112Journal of Informatics and Mathematical Sciences 2009Any OtherInternational JournalDr. Vivek Kumar
20JournalThermosolutal instability of Couple-Stress rotating fluid in the presence of magnetic field, Vol. 1, No.1, 113-124International transaction in Applied Sciences 2009Any OtherInternational JournalDr. Vivek Kumar
25JournalAn inventory model withlife time items, power demand rate, partial backlogging and variable holding cost Vol. 01, No. 01, pp 55-58 Journal Graphic Era University 2009Peer ReviewedInternational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
26JournalA Volume Flexible Production Rate, Weibull Distribution Deterioration with Quadratic Rate of Demand Vol.01, No.02 pp 281-288Journal Graphic Era University 2009Peer ReviewedInternational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
27JournalOptimal Ordering Policy with Time Dependent Ramp Type Demand, Life Time and Variable Rate of Deterioration, Volume 1, No. 4, pp. 653-666International Transactions in Applied Sciences 2009Peer ReviewedInternational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
47JournalCommon Fixed Points of Mappings not Satisfying Contractive ConditionsFaciculli Mathematici, Poland, Nr 40,2008. 2008Peer ReviewedInternational JournalDr. Sanjay Kumar Padaliya
21JournalRayleigh-Taylor instability of Walters (Model B’) viscoelastic dusty plasma in the presence of variable magnetic field through porous medium, Vol.1, No.1, 45-58International transaction of Mathematical Science and Computers 2008Any OtherInternational JournalDr. Vivek Kumar
24JournalPolicy Decisions for Perishable Products with Ramp-Type Demand and Random Rate of Deterioration Vol. 01, No. 01,pp 157-166International Transactions in Mathematical Sciences and Computer 2008UGC Listed JournalNational JournalProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap Singh
22JournalThermal instability of Couple-Stress fluid in the presence of variable gravity field and rotation, Vol. I, 175-188Reflections Des Era 2006Any OtherInternational JournalDr. Vivek Kumar
48Journal1. Common fixed point theorems for R-weakly commuting mapping of type (Af) vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 155-163Soochow Journal of Mathematics 2005UGC Listed JournalInternational JournalDr. Sanjay Kumar Padaliya
23JournalStability of stratified visco-elastic Walter’s (Model B’) dusty fluids in porous medium, Vol.31, No. 3, 703-709Acta Ciencia Indica 2005Any OtherInternational JournalDr. Vivek Kumar
49JournalOn common fixed point by altering distances between the points.Tamkang J. Maths.34 (3)0.422003UGC Listed JournalInternational JournalDr. Sanjay Kumar Padaliya
50JournalA fixed-point theorem for sequences of mappingsGanita 48 (1997), 105-113 2003UGC Listed JournalInternational JournalDr. Sanjay Kumar Padaliya
51JournalCommon fixed points of four sequences of mappingsIndian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics0.5612003UGC Listed JournalInternational JournalDr. Sanjay Kumar Padaliya
52JournalOn a fixed-point theoremJnanabha 1999UGC Listed JournalNationalDr. Sanjay Kumar Padaliya
53JournalReciprocal continuity and fixed pointJñānābha 1999UGC Listed JournalInternational JournalDr. Sanjay Kumar Padaliya
54JournalA common fixed point theoremournal of natural & physical sciences  1999Peer ReviewedNationalDr. Sanjay Kumar Padaliya

Conferences / Seminars / Workshops (Attended)

 CategoryTypeTopicByOrganized byFrom DateTo Date
5WebinarNational LevelSoftware Tools for Mathematical EducationDr. Vivek KumarDepartment of Mathematics, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam and Providence Coll30-Aug-202105-Sep-2021
6ConferenceInternational LevelInternational Conference on Advancements in Engineering and Sciences (ICAES2021)Prof.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap SinghGAPHIC ERA UNVERSITY,DEHRDIN01-Jul-202102-Jul-2021
4WebinarInternational LevelFluid Dynamics and its ApplicationsDr. Vivek KumarDepartment of Mathematics, Government First Grade College, Vijayanagara, Bengaluru28-May-202029-May-2020
3WorkshopNational LevelNonlinear Functional Analysis and its ApplicationsDr. Vivek KumarGraphic Era (Deemed to be University), Dehradun, Uttarakhand19-Feb-201824-Feb-2018
7ConferenceNational LevelRecent Trends in the Advancement of Astronomy and Applied MathematicsProf.(Dr) Anubhav Pratap SinghSGRR PG COLLEGE, DEHRADUN18-Oct-201719-Oct-2017
2SeminarNational LevelRole of Open University in Higher Education: Competence and PotentialDr. Vivek KumarShri Guru Ram Rai (P.G.) College, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India14-Sep-201614-Sep-2016
1SeminarInternational LevelRole of Mathematics in Science and EngineeringDr. Vivek KumarGraphic Era University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India13-May-201114-May-2011

Conferences / Seminars / Workshops (Presented Paper)

 CategoryTypeTopicTitle of PaperByOrganized byFrom DateTo Date
24ConferenceInternational LevelRecent Advances in Mathematics and its Applications in Interdisciplinary AreasMagneto Hydrodynamic capillary Instability Analysis of Rivlin-Ericksen Fluid Film with Heat Transfer Through Porous MediumDr. Vivek KumarDepartment of Mathematics, Pandit Lalit Mohan Sharma Campus, Sridev Suman Uttarakhand University13-May-202313-May-2023
1ConferenceInternational LevelApplied Mathematics & Computational SciencesInternal Heat Source Effect on the Onset of Convection in a Viscoelastic Nanofluid LayerDr. Vivek KumarDIT University Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India17-Oct-201919-Oct-2019
17ConferenceNational LevelHistory and Literature: Aspects of Convergence and DivergenceHistory of MathematicsDr. Sanjay Kumar PadaliyaDepartment of English and History, S.G.R.R. (P.G.) College, Dehradun26-Mar-201926-Mar-2019
16ConferenceNational LevelEmerging Trends and Future Challenges in ScienceFixed Points of Occasionally weakly Compatible MappingsDr. Sanjay Kumar PadaliyaDepartment of Chemistry, S.G.R.R. (P.G.) College, Dehradun27-Feb-201928-Feb-2019
2SeminarNational LevelEmerging Trends and future challenges in scienceOnset of Convection in a composite Nanofluid LayerDr. Vivek KumarShri Guru Ram Rai (P.G.) College, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India 27-Feb-201928-Feb-2019
15ConferenceNational LevelHolistic Approach towards quality enhancement in Higher EducationInternal Quality Assurance System and the Institutional Policy with regard to Quality Assurance Dr. Sanjay Kumar PadaliyaPt. L.M.S. Govt. (P.G.) College Rishikesh and NAAC, Bangaluru29-Jan-201930-Jan-2019
21ConferenceNational LevelAdvances in Mathematics and its applicationsOrbital Continuity and Fixed Point TheoremsDr. Sanjay Kumar PadaliyaDepartment of Mathematics, M. B. Govt. (P. G.) College, Haldwani and USERC, Dehradun17-Mar-201818-Mar-2018
20ConferenceNational LevelAdvances in Operations Research and Mathematical SciencesFixed Point theorems and discontinuous mapping under New Contractive Condition in fuzzy metric spacesDr. Sanjay Kumar PadaliyaDepartment of Research and Post Gratuate Studies in Mathematics and Department of Statistics, Vardh24-Feb-201825-Feb-2018
18ConferenceInternational LevelInternational Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications Orbital Continuity and Fixed Points of Discontinuous mapsDr. Sanjay Kumar PadaliyaDepartment of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur, Chhaattisgarh23-Feb-201825-Feb-2018
19ConferenceNational Level‘Ganit evem iske Anupryog mai Takniki Shabdawali ka Mahatwa’“Kadachit Kamjor Susangat Pratichitran wale Ubhanist Sthir Bindu”Dr. Sanjay Kumar PadaliyaCommission for Scientific and Technical Terminology, Ministry of HRD, Deptt. Of Higher Education 16-Feb-201818-Feb-2018
23ConferenceNational Level8th Conference of the Indian Science Congress Association ‘ Reaching the Unreached through Science and Technology’A Survey of Various Continuity …Point TheoremsDr. Sanjay Kumar PadaliyaDepartment of Mathematics and Department of Computer Sciences, D.S. B. Campus, Kumaon University, N14-Oct-201715-Oct-2017
22ConferenceNational LevelMathematical Modeling – Modern ApproachesHydro-magnetic triply diffusive convection in a viscous elastic rotation fluid through porous mediumDr. Sanjay Kumar PadaliyaDepartment of Mathematics, DIT University, Dehradun13-Oct-201714-Oct-2017
3ConferenceNational LevelMathematical Modelling-Modern ApproachThe Onset of Triple-Diffusive Convection in a Nanofluid Saturated Anisotropic Porpos LayerDr. Vivek KumarDIT University Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India13-Oct-201714-Oct-2017
4ConferenceNational LevelHistory of Mathematical SciencesTriple-Diffusive Convection in a Nanofluid Layer through Darcy-Brinkman Porous MediumDr. Vivek KumarShri Guru Ram Rai (P.G.) College, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India05-Oct-201707-Oct-2017
5SeminarNational LevelRecent advances in Mathematics and its computational aspectsTriple diffusive convection in a saturated anisotropic porous layerDr. Vivek KumarShaheed Mangal Pandey Govt. Girls P.G. College, Madhavpuram, Meerut (U.P.), India11-Nov-201612-Nov-2016
14ConferenceNational LevelRole of IQAC in Enhancing Quality of Teaching, Learning and Evaluation ProcessStudent Participation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education InstitutionsDr. Sanjay Kumar PadaliyaInternal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) SGRR (PG) College, Dehradun09-Oct-201510-Oct-2015
13ConferenceNational LevelRecent Advances in Statistical and Mathematical Sciences and their ApplicationsCommon Fixed Points of Occassionally Weakly Compatible MappingsDr. Sanjay Kumar PadaliyaDepartment of Statistics, Kumaon University, S.S. J. Campus04-Oct-201406-Oct-2014
11ConferenceInternational LevelThe 15th International Conference of International Academy of Physical Sciences (CONIAPS XV)Common Fixed Points in Fuzzy Metric Spaces involving Conditionally Reciprocally Continuous SelfmappingsDr. Sanjay Kumar PadaliyaRajamangala University of Technology, Thanyaburi, Pathumthani, Thailand09-Dec-201213-Dec-2012
12ConferenceNational LevelAdvanced and Sustainable Computing TechniquesApproaches for Extraction of Buildings from High Resolution SatelliteImagesDr. Sanjay Kumar PadaliyaQuantum Global Campus Roorkee, Uttarakhand06-Oct-201207-Oct-2012
10ConferenceInternational LevelPre International Congress of Mathematicians8. Common Fixed Point Theorems in Fuzzy Metric Space with property (E.A)Dr. Sanjay Kumar PadaliyaDepartment of Mathematics, D.S.B. Campus, Kumaon University, Nainital26-Mar-201027-Mar-2010
9ConferenceNational LevelRecent Trends in the Advancement of Astronomy and Applied MathematicsFixed Points in Fuzzy Metric SpaceDr. Sanjay Kumar PadaliyaS.G.R.R. (P.G.) College, Dehradun14-Nov-200915-Nov-2009
8ConferenceNational LevelNational Conference on History of MathematicsReciprocal continuity and fixed pointDr. Sanjay Kumar PadaliyaKumaon University, Nainital13-Oct-200016-Oct-2000
7ConferenceNational Level63rd annual conference of Indian Mathematical SocietyFixed points of coincidence preserving mapsDr. Sanjay Kumar PadaliyaNew Arts, Commerce and Science College, Ahmednagar (M.S.)27-Dec-199730-Dec-1997
6ConferenceNational Level62nd annual conference of Indian Mathematical Society A fixed-point theorem for sequences of mappingsDr. Sanjay Kumar PadaliyaI.I.T. Kanpur 11-Apr-199612-Apr-1996

Workshops / Conferences / Seminars Organised

S.No.TypeLevelTitleFunding AgencyFrom DateTo Date
2OtherInternational LevelInternational Webinar on Mathematics 14-Sep-202018-Sep-2020
7OtherNational LevelInternational Webinar on Mathematics  14-Sep-202018-Sep-2020
8WorkshopNational LevelTraining of Trainers (ToT) for Teachers (TLC - 52)NITTTR, Bhopal (GoI) and SGRR (PG) College, Dehradun 25-Nov-201929-Nov-2019
5ConferenceNational LevelHistory of Mathematical SciencesUGC05-Oct-201707-Oct-2017
1ConferenceNational LevelHistory of Mathematical SciencesUGC05-Oct-201707-Oct-2017
4SeminarNational LevelRole of IQAC in Enhancing Quality of Teaching, Learning and Evaluation ProcessNAAC Sponsored09-Oct-201510-Oct-2015
3ConferenceNational LevelRecent Trends in the Advancement of Astronomy and Applied MathematicsUGC/DST/UCOST14-Nov-200915-Nov-2009
6WorkshopNational LevelIntroduction to Astronomy and GalileoUGC/DST/UCOST14-Nov-200915-Nov-2009
1Course OutcomesView
2Programme OutcomesView
S.No.Type NameRegNoYear
3NETNational Eligibility TestMEENA JOSHIUK01162022022020
4NET   0